List of products by brand Primitive Skateboarding

Primitive is an American skateboard and clothing brand set up in California by Pro Skateboarder Paul Rodriguez (ex Plan B).

Basically, Primitive is a skateshop founded in California, in Encino, by Rodriguez and his friends. After leaving Plan B, Rodriguez had a limited series of 500 fully gilded Primitive trays pressed, which quickly found takers. Faced with this success, he decided to go further and founded a real brand of skateboards.

Primitive has made a name for itself in particular thanks to its collaborations with legendary licenses, and in particular the Manga Dragon Ball Z, Naruto or the Rick and Morty series.

The Primitive skater team is now made up of a string of first class players with boys like Carlos Ribeiro, Tiago Lemos, Trent Mclung or Paul Rodriguez himself.

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